Post-DTM 2024: Orange Biomed’s Key Takeaways and Future Plans
Discover Orange Biomed’s journey and innovations in diabetes technology after the Diabetes Technology Meeting 2024, focusing on health equity and solutions.
Innovations in A1C Testing: What’s Happening at the Diabetes Technology Meeting 2024
Explore innovations in A1C testing at the Diabetes Technology Meeting 2024. Learn about Orange Biomed’s OBM rapid A1c and its impact on equitable diabetes care.
ADA 84th Scientific Sessions and Post Conference Forum Recap – New POC A1C Test and Additional Innovative Solutions Unveiled
Stay Informed Ahead of the Next Diabetes Conference in 2025. The ADA’s (American Diabetes Association) 84th Scientific Sessions, held from June 21–24 in Orlando, Florida, showcased breakthrough research and discussions
Orange Biomed Talks Expanding U.S. Collaborations with Leaders like Mayo Clinic Laboratories
On February 1st, 2023, in Seoul, Orange Biomed attended the DAC Global Bridge Series Premier Healthcare Event hosted by BDMT Global. The three-day event centered on increasing digitization, automation, and cross-industry collaboration opportunities.
2023 Gaps in Diabetes Care: How Providers Can Increase Awareness of Prediabetes Amongst Patients
Healthcare providers–wondering how you can prevent long-term complications by helping your patients catch prediabetes more frequently? Keep reading to find out.
Diabetes Management Technology Poses Issues with Older U.S. Populations
According to a report posted on Healio, recent studies have shown that there are challenges presented with continuous glucose monitoring devices (CGMs), including inaccurate results, device adhesion, and smartphone access to those with type 1 or 2 diabetes that are 50 to 85 years of age.
Portable A1c Devices Help Patients Better Control Type 2 Diabetes Post-Diagnosis
Diabetes care for patients accounts for 1 in 4 healthcare dollars spent in the U.S. A large part of these costs is spent on diabetes-associated comorbidities.
Black Patients Typically Have Higher Hemoglobin Variants, Resulting In Inaccurate A1c Measurements
A1c tests are more likely to produce inaccurate results for Black patients. Why? Because hemoglobin variants are more common in people with African, South and Southeast Asian, and Mediterranean ancestry.
NY’s New Diabetes Initiatives Serve as an Example for Other States to Prioritize A1c Management
A1c is an important metric used to measure how well a patient is managing their diabetes. NYC Health + Hospitals are showing how important A1c management is to patients. Learn how they’re setting an example for healthcare clinics and practices across the globe in this blog.
$1 Out of Every $4 in U.S. Healthcare Costs is Spent on Diabetes Treatment
Did you know diabetes is the most expensive chronic condition in the United States? Read this blog to understand the medical and financial impact of unsuccessful diabetes prevention and management.